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Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) ; 16(2)May-Aug. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559135


Divulgamos el caso de Queiron de Celso del cuero cabelludo en una niña de 6 años, procedente de área urbana con antecedente patológico de tiña capitis. La tiña de la cabeza, tinea capitis o dermatofitosis es una infección fúngica causada por hongos, denominados «dermatofitos». El querión es una manifestación grave de tinea capitis que resulta de una intensa respuesta inmune a la infección y caracteriza por el desarrollo de una placa inflamatoria con pústulas, costras gruesas y/o drenaje.

We report the case of Queiron de Celso of the scalp in a 6-year-old girl from an urban area with a pathologic history of tinea capitis. Tinea capitis or dermatophytosis is a fungal infection caused by fungi called "dermatophytes". Kerion is a severe manifestation of tinea capitis resulting from an intense immune response to infection and characterized by the development of an inflammatory plaque with pustules, thick crusts and/or drainage.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020021


Superficial cutaneous fungal infections are caused by fungi infections that only invade fully keratinized tissues, such as the stratum corneum, hair, and nails.In clinical practice, tinea capitis is the most prevalent superficial cutaneous fungal infections in children, whereas the incidence of tinea corporis/cruris, tinea manuum/pedis, onychomycosis, and pityriasis versicolor is relatively low.This article aims to comprehensively discuss the clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and advancements in the treatment of superficial cutaneous fungal infections in children, focusing on each specific infection individually.

Acta méd. costarric ; 65(1): 32-36, ene.-mar. 2023. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1527611


Resumen Querión Celso es una micosis ocasionada por hongos dermatofitos que daña el cuero cabelludo principalmente a niños y en raras ocasiones a adultos. La forma de infección para los humanos proviene de los animales y del suelo y se relaciona con mala higiene personal, hacinamiento en las viviendas, condiciones de subdesarrollo y pobreza. Se presenta un caso de un niño de 9 años con una úlcera de 7 cm de diámetro en el cuero cabelludo y en forma de placa circular que presentaba material purulento, pelo quebradizo y un área alopécica. Al inicio, se abordó de manera terapéutica como una infección bacteriana; posteriormente, se solicitó estudio micológico que evidenció una coinfección por el microorganismo Microsporum gypseum. Se le confirmó el diagnóstico de tiña capitis con afección inflamatoria y se le prescribió griseofulvina, lo que resultó en una curación completa.

Abstract Kerion Celsi is a mycosis caused by dermatophyte fungi that mostly affects children and rarely adults, causing damage to the scalp. The form of infection for humans comes from animals and the soil. The infection is related to poor personal hygiene, overcrowded homes, underdeveloped conditions, and poverty. A case of a 9-year-old boy with a 7cm diameter ulcer on the scalp and in the form of a circular plaque that presented purulent material, brittle hair and an alopecic area is presented. Initially it was therapeutically addressed as a bacterial infection, a mycological study was requested, which showed coinfection by the microorganism Microsporum gypseum, the diagnosis of tinea capitis with inflammatory condition was confirmed, and Griseofulvin was prescribed, resulting in complete cure.

Humans , Male , Child , Tinea , Tinea Capitis/diagnosis , Bacterial Infections and Mycoses , Microsporum , Costa Rica
Chinese Journal of Dermatology ; (12): 438-440, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-994496


Objective:To compare the efficacy and safety of oral terbinafine versus itraconazole in the treatment of pediatric tinea capitis.Methods:From January 2021 to December 2021, a randomized clinical trial was conducted among 53 children with tinea capitis in Beijing Children′s Hospital. These patients were randomly divided into 2 groups by using a random number table: terbinafine group treated with oral terbinafine at different doses (weight <20 kg, dose: 62.5 mg/d; weight 20 - 40 kg, dose: 125 mg/d; weight >40 kg, dose: 250 mg/d), while itraconazole group treated with oral itraconazole at doses of 3 - 5 mg·kg -1·d -1. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS 23.0 software, and enumeration data were compared between groups by using chi-square test or Fisher′s exact test. Results:Totally, 27 patients were treated with oral terbinafine, including 17 with tinea alba and 10 with kerion; 26 were treated with oral itraconazole, including 17 with tinea alba and 9 with kerion. After treatment, 14 (51.85%) patients were cured in the terbinafine group, including 5 with tinea alba and 9 with kerion, while 25 (96.15%) were cured in the itraconazole group, including 16 with tinea alba and 9 with kerion. The response rate was significantly higher in the itraconazole group than in the terbinafine group ( χ2 = 13.37, P < 0.001) . Conclusion:The efficacy of itraconazole was superior to that of terbinafine in the treatment of pediatric tinea alba, but their efficacy was equivalent in the treatment of pediatric kerion.

Chinese Journal of Dermatology ; (12): 531-533, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-994509


Objective:To investigate the distribution of pathogenic fungi in patients with tinea capitis diagnosed in Xijing Hospital, Air Force Medical University in the past 10 years.Methods:A total of 871 outpatients or inpatients with tinea capitis were collected from the Department of Dermatology, Xijing Hospital from January 2011 to December 2020, and their clinical data and pathogen distribution were retrospectively analyzed. Pearson chi-square test was used to analyze differences in the pathogen distribution between children and adult patients with tinea capitis.Results:Of 871 patients with tinea capitis, 588 (67.5%) were males and 283 (33.5%) were females; 21 (2.40%) were aged less than 1 year, 266 (30.50%) aged 1 - 3 years, 352 (40.40%) aged 4 - 6 years, 187 (21.50%) aged 7 - 12 years, 4 (0.50%) aged 12 - 18 years, and 41 (4.70%) were aged 18 - 74 years. A total of 705 pathogenic strains were isolated from these patients, including 599 strains of Microsporum canis (85.0%) , 52 strains of Trichophyton mentagrophytes complex (7.4%) , 27 strains of Trichophyton tonsurans (3.8%) , and 18 strains of Trichophyton violaceum (2.6%) . Among the pathogenic fungi of tinea capitis, the proportion of Trichophyton violaceum was significantly higher in adults (8.8%) than in children (2.2%, P = 0.048) . Conclusions:In the past 10 years, the patients with tinea capitis in the Department of Dermatology, Xijing Hospital were mainly children aged 1 - 6 yearswhile adults, and adult patients with tinea capitis were uncommon. The main pathogen of tinea capitis was Microsporum canis, followed by Trichophyton mentagrophytes complex.

China Tropical Medicine ; (12): 811-2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005146


@#Abstract: Objective To investigate the clinical types of children's tinea capitis and the distribution of fungal pathogens in Wuhan from 2011 to 2020, and to provide scientific basis for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of children's tinea capitis. Methods Laboratory data of children with tinea capitis in outpatient and inpatient department of dermatology in Wuhan No.1 Hospital from January 2011 to December 2020 were collected. A total of 542 cases of pediatric tinea capitis were included, with 239 male cases and 303 female cases. Microscopic examination of fungi and culture identification were performed on the affected skin lesions of the children. Chi-square test was used to analyze the differences in pathogen spectrum of children with different age groups and clinical type. Results Among the pediatric tinea capitis patients, the age group with the highest prevalence was preschool children(3 to <7 years old), accounting for 48.52%(263/542). The top three pathogenic fungi were Trichophytes violaceum(49.26%, 267/542), Microsporum canis(31.55%, 171/542) and Trichophyton mentagrophytes (9.96%, 54/542). Trichophyton violaceum was the main pathogen in all ages, followed by Microsporum canis. The infection rate of Microsporum canis in children over 7 years old was lower than that in children under 7 years old, and the infection rate of Trichophyton rubrum in infants was higher than that in other ages. The distribution of Trichophytes violaceum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Nannizzia gypseum and Microsporum ferrugineum was uniform in all age groups. Trichophytes violaceum and Trichophyton tousurans mainly caused black-dot ringworm, Microsporum canis mainly caused tinea alba, Trichophyton mentagrophytes,Nannizzia gypseum and Trichophytonrubrum mainly caused kerion. Except for Microsporum ferrugineum, the composition ratios of other fungi species showed statistically significant differences among different clinical types of tinea capitis(P<0.05). Conclusions Preschool children are the most commonly affected age group by pediatric tinea capitis, and black-dot ringworm caused by Trichophytes violaceum is the main clinical type. Analysis of the high-riskage group, pathogenic fungi and clinical types of tinea capitis in children can enhance the understanding of its epidemiological characteristics, which is helpful for early diagnosis and targeted standardized treatment of pediatric tinea capitis.

Surg. cosmet. dermatol. (Impr.) ; 15: e20230184, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1438455


O Kerion Celsi é uma forma inflamatória da tinea capitis, cujo principal agente etiológico é o Microsporum canis. O tratamento padrão-ouro é a griseofulvina, porém seu uso é aprovado pela Food and Drug Administration (FDA) em crianças a partir dos dois anos de idade. Apesar de rara em crianças com menos de três anos, a tinea capitis pode ocorrer, como é o caso desta criança de um ano de idade que foi submetida, com sucesso, à terapia fotodinâmica com curcumina e houve a remissão completa do quadro

Kerion Celsi is an inflammatory variant of tinea capitis and is usually caused by Microsporum canis. Griseofulvin is the gold standard treatment, but FDA approves its use only for children up to two years. Even though it is rare in children younger than three years, tinea capitis can still occur, as in the case of the one-year-old child who was successfully treated with photodynamic therapy combined with curcumin, resulting in total remission.

Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 43(Supl. 1): 245-254, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533894


Introducción. Las dermatofitosis son infecciones fúngicas superficiales de epitelios queratinizados. La tinea capitis es una de ellas y afecta a poblaciones escolares vulnerables. Carpinelo es un barrio del área periférica de Medellín con precarias condiciones socioeconómicas. Ante la sospecha de un brote de dermatofitosis, los afectados fueron evaluados. Objetivo. Evaluar clínica y microbiológicamente pacientes del barrio Carpinelo con sospecha de micosis cutáneas para determinar la presencia de un brote por dermatofitos. Materiales y métodos. Se llevó a cabo un estudio descriptivo, de corte longitudinal, con muestreo a conveniencia. Se hizo una búsqueda activa de casos en el Jardín Educativo Buen Comienzo de Carpinelo en niños de la institución y sus familiares. Se evaluaron clínicamente y se tomaron muestras de escamas y cabellos para exámenes directos y cultivos microbiológicos. Se analizó el perfil demográfico, clínico y micológico, con el programa estadístico SPSS™, versión 25. Resultados. Se estudiaron 57 pacientes, 47 eran menores de edad con una media de edad de seis años; se observó una proporción de hombres y mujeres de 2:1. Los pacientes con resultados positivos se diagnosticaron con tinea capitis (78,95 %), tinea faciei (15,79 %) y tinea corporis (10,52 %). El 75,43 % de los pacientes recibió tratamiento previo y de estos el 69,73 % fue con esteroides. El examen directo fue positivo en el 53,84 % y los cultivos en el 46,5 % de los casos. Los agentes aislados fueron: Microsporum canis (77,77 %), Trichophyton spp. (11,11 %), Trichophyton rubrum (5,55 %) y Malassezia spp. (5,55 %). Conclusión. Tinea capitis fue la presentación clínica más común y M. canis el dermatofito más frecuentemente aislado. Llamó la atención el uso de esteroides como primera y única opción del tratamiento empírico' lo cual resalta la importancia del diagnóstico microbiológico para proporcionar la terapia apropiada.

Introduction. Dermatophytoses are superficial fungal infections of the keratinized epithelium like tinea capitis. The latte mainly affects school-vulnerable populations. Carpinelo is a peripheral neighborhood in Medellín with poor socioeconomic conditions and where a suspected tinea capitis outbreak took place. Objective. To study and characterize, clinically and microbiologically, patients with suspected dermatophytosis in Carpinelo. Materials and methods. We carried out a descriptive and longitudinal study with an active case search of tinea capitis in children and their relatives from the Jardín Educativo Buen Comienzo community in Carpinelo. Patients were clinically evaluated, and samples of scales and hair were taken to perform mycological studies with a 10 % potassium hydroxide and culture in Sabouraud and Mycosel agar. We analyzed the data with the statistical program SPSS™. 25 version. Results. Fifty-seven individuals were studied: 47 were children with a mean age of six years and a ratio of 2:1 male to female. Patients with confirmed diagnosis presented the following clinical forms: tinea capitis (78.95%), tinea faciei (15.79%) or tinea corporis (10.52%). Out of the total, 69.76% of the patients had previous treatment with steroids. The direct test was positive in 53.84% of the samples, and 46.15% had positive cultures. The isolated species were: Microsporum canis (77.77%), Trichophyton spp. (11.11%), Trichophyton rubrum (5.55%), and Malassezia spp. (5.55 %). Conclusion.Tinea capitis was the most common clinical form, and M. canis was the most frequently isolated species. The use of steroids as the first and only option for empiric treatment was worth of notice. The findings of this study point out the importance of microbiological diagnosis in choosing the best treatment for the patients.

Tinea , Dermatomycoses , Tinea Capitis , Disease Outbreaks
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 43(Supl. 1): 57-68, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533897


Introducción. La tiña de la cabeza es una micosis que se presenta en el tejido queratinizado, afecta al cuero cabelludo y puede causar alopecia, prurito y descamación. Este tipo de micosis es más frecuente en niños de edad escolar, por lo que puede desencadenar un problema de salud pública. En Colombia, los principales agentes etiológicos reportados son los dermatofitos zoofílicos. Objetivo. En el presente estudio se buscó caracterizar un brote de tinea capitis en 32 niños de un colegio de la zona rural del departamento del Cauca. Materiales y métodos. Se llevó a cabo una investigación epidemiológica de campo en la que se aplicó una encuesta estructurada para caracterizar aspectos sociodemográficos y factores predisponentes para su ocurrencia. Se recolectaron muestras de escamas de cuero cabelludo y cabellos afectados para estudios micológicos. Finalmente, por medio de la Secretaría Departamental del Cauca y del hospital local, se manejó el brote de tinea capitis y se hicieron recomendaciones a los niños, los padres de familia y la población en general para prevenir estas micosis. Este estudio contó con el consentimiento informado verbal por parte de los padres de familia y los niños. Resultados. El agente etiológico aislado en el 63 % de las muestras recolectadas fue Trichophyton tonsurans y el principal factor predisponente para esta micosis fue compartir máquinas rasuradoras (87,5 %). El agente etiológico de este brote de tinea capitis no inflamatoria fue un dermatofito antropofílico. Conclusión. Idealmente, se deben practicar los estudios micológicos con el fin de establecer el agente etiológico y, así, plantear las terapéuticas y recomendaciones según las guías de manejo. Además, se debe realizar un trabajo multidisciplinario para el control del brote y la educación de la población respecto a esta micosis.

Introduction. Tinea capitis is a mycosis of keratinized tissue, which affects the scalp and may cause alopecia, pruritus, and desquamation. This type of mycosis is more frequent in school-age children, and it may represent a public health problem; the main etiological agents reported for Colombia are zoophilic dermatophytes. Objective. To characterize an outbreak of Tinea capitis in 32 children from a rural school in the department of Cauca. Materials and methods. We conducted an epidemiological field study using a structured survey to characterize sociodemographic aspects and predisposing factors for this mycosis. We collected samples of affected scalp scales and hair for mycological studies. The children and the general population received recommendations, about these mycoses' prevention, from Cauca's health authorities and the local hospital. The parents verbally approved the informed consent. Results. The etiological agent isolated in 63% of the collected samples was Trichophyton tonsurans, an anthropophilic dermatophyte, and the main predisposing factor was sharing razors (87.5%). Conclusions. Ideally, mycological studies define the etiological agent to propose therapeutics and recommendations in agreement with management guidelines. Implementation of multidisciplinary measures to control the outbreak and educate the population is required.

Tinea Capitis , Mycology , Public Health
An. bras. dermatol ; 97(5): 637-640, Sept.-Oct. 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403152


Abstract Tinea capitis is an uncommon infection in adults, and predominantly affects women and the elderly with hormonal disorders and immunosuppression. Clinical features are often polymorphic and atypical. A kerion celsi case in an elderly female patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus and menopause is presented. The diagnosis was established by direct examination and the isolation of Trichophyton tonsurans in culture and typified by microculture. Treatment with prednisone and itraconazol was very successful. Recognizing the presentation of tinea capitis in adults will help clinicians to avoid delay in the diagnosis, awareness of the risk factors and provide early treatment to minimize sequelae of the disease.

Arch. argent. pediatr ; 120(4): e192-e196, Agosto 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1379160


La tiña capitis (TC) es una micosis superficial del cuero cabelludo, considerada una de las infecciones más frecuentes por dermatofitos en niños. Hasta la actualidad, las especies descritas con mayor frecuencia en nuestro medio son el Microsporum y, en segundo término, Trichophyton, los cuales se contraen principalmente por contacto directo con animales o seres humanos infectados, respectivamente. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 8 años con alopecia y lesiones inflamatorias de 2 años de evolución, en la que finalmente se llegó al diagnóstico de TC inflamatoria causada por T. tonsurans, un hongo antropofílico considerado poco frecuente en Argentina y emergente en la provincia de Buenos Aires. Este patógeno presenta alta transmisibilidad; son varios los países que han reportado brotes escolares y comunitarios. Se debe resaltar la importancia de su sospecha clínica temprana para un tratamiento adecuado.

Tinea capitis (TC) is a superficial mycosis of the scalp, considered one of the most common dermatophyte infections in children. Until now, the species mainly described in our environment are Microsporum and secondly Trichophyton, which are contracted mainly by direct contact with infected animals or humans, respectively. We present the case of an 8-year-old patient with alopecia and inflammatory lesions of 2 years of evolution, finally reaching the diagnosis of inflammatory tinea capitis caused by T. tonsurans, an anthropophilic fungus considered rare in Argentina and emerging in the province of Buenos Aires. This pathogen has high transmissibility; several countries have reported school and community outbreaks. The importance of its early clinical suspicion for adequate treatment should be emphasized.

Humans , Animals , Female , Child , Tinea Capitis/diagnosis , Arthrodermataceae , Trichophyton , Microsporum
Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 20: eRC6881, 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1384778


ABSTRACT Dermatophytoses are fungal infections affecting the skin and cutaneous annexes. This clinical case report describes a 7-year-old girl with Kerion celsi, a severe manifestation of Tinea capitis. The patient presented with painful edematous crusty scalp lesions and alopecia, which required surgical debridement and long-term antifungal treatment. Culture of samples collected from scalp and arm skin lesions (patient and patient's mother respectively) were positive for Trichophyton mentagrophytes. The family owned a pet guinea pig. This particular dermatophytosis is easily transmitted from guinea pigs to humans, with some studies showing up to 34.9% prevalence of Trichophyton mentagrophytes infection in these animals.

Rev. argent. dermatol ; 102(3): 31-40, set. 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394698


RESUMEN La tiña capitis es una enfermedad que afecta con mayor frecuencia a la población pediátrica; es ocasionada por hongos dermatofitos y es el querión su forma inflamatoria severa. Su diagnóstico e intervención temprana evita posibles secuelas estéticas y psicológicas en quienes lo padecen. Se presenta caso de paciente masculino de 4 años quien consultó al servicio de dermatología por cuadro de 4 meses de placa eritemato-descamativa con pústulas que progresó a única placa de predominio alopécica y adenopatías cervicales. El reporte microbiológico confirmó su diagnóstico, y el ultrasonido contribuyó al pronóstico y conducta terapéutica.

ABSTRACT Tinea capitis is a disease that most frequently affects the pediatric population caused by dermatophyte fungi, of which kerion is the severe inflammatory form of it. Its early diagnosis and intervention avoids possible aesthetic and psychological consequences in those who suffer from it. The case of a 4-year-old male patient is presented, who attend the dermatology service for 4 months of erythematous-desquamative plaque with pustules that evolved to a single plaque of predominantly alopecia and cervical lymphadenopathy. Microbiological report confirmed its diagnosis, and ultrasound contributed to the prognosis and therapeutic behavior.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-911741


Twenty pediatric patients with kerion were treated in Department of Dermatology, Affiliated Hospital of Jining Medical University from January 2014 to June 2020. The general information, clinical manifestations, laboratory test results, treatment and prognosis were retrospectively analyzed. There were 13 males and 7 females aged from 2 to 10 years. Thirteen patients had a history of contact with animals, 4 had contact with parents with tinea. All patients had alopecia, 6 cases presented with inflammatory mass, 14 presented with abscessus; some patients had regional lymphadenopathy and febrile. Four cases were misdiagnosed as abscesses caused by bacterial infection and underwent incision leading to deep ulcers. A total of 13 fungal strains were isolated, including 4 strains of Microsporum gypseum, 3 strains of Trichophyton rubrum, 2 strains of Microsporum canis, the others were Trichophyton tonsurans and Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Fusarium. All patients were treated with fluconazole, concomitantly with topical antifungals and He-Ne laser, 19 of whom were cured. It is suggested that kerion characterized by inflammatory lesions is likely to be misdiagnosed. Fungal examination can confirm the diagnosis of kerion, and fluconazole is effective for treatment.

An. bras. dermatol ; 95(3): 332-335, May-June 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1130874


Abstract Tinea capitis comprising of tinea favosa and kerion is mostly seen in school-aged children. Some tinea capitis often presented with insignificant findings under the naked eyes are easily overlooked. The authors describe an unusual case of tinea capitis caused by Trichophyton violaceum. The patient was an 8-year-old girl, with a history of pruritus on the scalp for more than one year. A diagnosis of tinea capitis was confirmed by clinical examination aided by dermoscopy, calcium fluorescent microscopy and culture. Comma and corkscrew hairs are two specific dermoscopic patterns of tinea capitis. The patient was treated with systemic itraconazole, topical application with 1% naftifine 0.25% ketoconazole cream followed after daily hair wash with 2% ketoconazole shampoo for 8 weeks.

Humans , Female , Child , Tinea Capitis/diagnostic imaging , Calcium , Microscopy, Fluorescence/methods , Tinea Capitis/pathology , Trichophyton/isolation & purification , Reproducibility of Results , Dermoscopy/methods
An. bras. dermatol ; 95(3): 372-375, May-June 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1130880


Abstract Pseudomycetoma is an extremely rare deep mycosis, caused by dermatophytic fungi that penetrate the tissue from infected follicles of tinea capitis. Both clinically and histopathology are similar to eumycetoma, being distinguished through the isolation of the fungus, which in the case of pseudomycetoma can be Microsporum spp. or Trichophyton spp. genre. We present a 24-year-old man with an exuberant tumor in the occipital region with fistula, whose histopathological examination evidenced grains composed of hyaline hyphae and the culture for fungi isolated the agent Microsporum canis. Combined treatment of surgical excision followed by oral griseofulvin for two years was performed, with resolution of the condition.

Humans , Male , Young Adult , Scalp Dermatoses/microbiology , Dermatomycoses/microbiology , Mycetoma/microbiology , Microsporum/isolation & purification , Scalp Dermatoses/surgery , Scalp Dermatoses/pathology , Treatment Outcome , Dermatomycoses/surgery , Dermatomycoses/pathology , Immunocompetence , Mycetoma/surgery , Mycetoma/pathology
Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) ; 11(2): 19-29, DICIEMBRE 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDNPAR | ID: biblio-1046298


Introducción: la tiña de la cabeza es una micosis superficial producida por dermatofitos, más común en niños y excepcional en los adultos. Objetivo: conocer las características epidemiológicas y micológicas de la tiña de la cabeza en pacientes que acudieron al Centro de Especialidades Dermatológicas en la ciudad de San Lorenzo. Metodología: estudio observacional retrospectivo de corte transverso, donde se analizaron fichas y registros de todos los pacientes con sospecha clínica de tiña de la cabeza remitidos al laboratorio del Centro de Especialidades Dermatológicas en el periodo julio 2017 - agosto 2019. Los pacientes fueron sometidos a estudios micológicos directos y cultivos para la confirmación del diagnóstico e identificación del agente etiológico. Se consideró el sexo, edad, residencia, posesión de mascotas domésticas y agente etiológico aislado. Resultados: se estudiaron 132 pacientes con diagnóstico de tiña de la cabeza, 69 (52.3 %) varones y 63 (47.7 %) mujeres. La edad de presentación fue desde 1 año hasta 14 años, con una media de 5 años. El principal agente etiológico aislado fue Microsporum canis 99/132 (75 %) seguido de Trichophyton tonsurans 29/132 (22 %). Conclusiones: los hallazgos epidemiológicos obtenidos coinciden con otros trabajos científicos, destacándose M. canis y T. tonsurans como los principales agentes etiológicos.

Introduction: tinea capitis is a superficial mycosis produced by dermatophytes, more common in children and exceptional in adults. Objectives: to know the epidemiological and mycological characteristics of tinea capitis in patients who were attended in the Dermatological Specialties Center of San Lorenzo. Methodology: retrospective, observational and cross-sectional study, in which the files and records of all patients with clinical suspicion of tinea capitis, referred to the laboratory of the Dermatological Specialties Center in the period july 2017 - august 2019 were analyzed. The patients underwent direct mycological studies and cultures for confirmation of the diagnosis and identification of the etiologic agent. The sex, age, residence, possession of domestic pets and isolated etiological agent were considered. Results: 132 patients with a diagnosis of tinea capitis, 69 (52.3 %) men and 63 (47.7 %) women were studied. The age of presentation was from 1 year to 14 years, with an average of 5 years. The main etiological agent isolated was Microsporum canis 99/132 (75 %) followed by Trichophyton tonsurans 29/132 (22 %). Conclusions: the epidemiological findings obtained are agree with other scientific studies, highlighting M. canis and T. tonsurans as the main etiological agents.

Rev. bras. anal. clin ; 51(1): 9-16, 30/03/2019. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1008144


Dermatofitose é uma micose superficial, causada por fungos filamentosos denominados dermatófitos, que são capazes de degradar estruturas queratinizadas. Os agentes dessas infecções em humanos pertencem a três gêneros: Microsporum, Trichophyton e Epidermophyton. O objetivo deste trabalho é revisar os estudos epidemiológicos e relatos de casos de tinea capitis, a partir de artigos publicados entre 2000 e 2018. Com base nos dados analisados, o gênero masculino foi o mais afetado pela tinea capitis e a faixa etária mais relatada foi a de indivíduos menores de 10 anos. As principais espécies isoladas foram: T. tonsurans e M. canis, sendo o primeiro mais encontrado nas regiões norte, nordeste e centro-oeste, e o segundo, nas regiões sudeste e sul do Brasil. Nos relatos de casos foram reportadas lesões com diferentes características, sendo algumas mais inflamatórias, eritematosas, com pústulas, placas de alopécia ou descamativas do que outras. Dor e prurido foram sintomas observados em alguns casos. A griseofulvina e os derivados azólicos foram os principais fármacos empregados na terapia, ainda que em associação em alguns casos. As avaliações dos tratamentos empregados nos casos de tinea capitis devem ser minuciosamente realizadas, visto que há relatos de casos em que a reposta terapêutica não é eficiente, agravando as lesões e prolongando o tempo de tratamento.

Dermatophytosis is a superficial mycosis, caused by filamentous fungi called dermatophytes, which are capable of degrading keratinized structures. The agents of these infections in humans belong to three genera: Microsporum, Trichophyton and Epidermophyton. The objective of this study is to review the epidemiological studies and reports of tinea capitis cases in Brazil, based on articles published between 2000 and 2018. Based on the data analyzed, the male gender was the most affected by Tinea capitis and the most reported age group was of individuals with less than 10 years. The main species isolated from the samples were: T. tonsurans and M. canis, being the first one most found in the north, northeast and center-west regions and the second one found in the southeastern and southern regions of Brazil. In the case reports, lesions with different characteristics were reported, being some more inflammatory, erythematous, with pustules, others with plaques of alopecia or desquamative than others. Pain and itching were symptoms observed in some cases. Griseofulvin and azole derivatives were the main drugs used in therapy, although in association in some cases. The evaluations of the treatment employed in the cases of Tinea capitis should be thoroughly done since there are reports of cases in which the therapeutic response is not efficient, aggravating the lesions and prolonging the treatment time

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Tinea Capitis/etiology , Tinea Capitis/epidemiology , Tinea
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-759714


BACKGROUND: Tinea capitis manifests either as a non-inflammatory or inflammatory type including kerion, which may cause permanent alopecia. In addition to antifungals, systemic corticosteroids (prednisolone at 1~2 mg/kg/day) have been used to reduce inflammation in patients with kerion. OBJECTIVE: We studied the clinical and laboratory features, treatments, and prognosis of tinea capitis. METHODS: We performed a retrospective review of 12 cases of kerion and 12 cases of non-inflammatory tinea capitis (median age, 8 years; range, 3 months~80 years) diagnosed using a potassium hydroxide mount at the National Health Insurance Service Ilsan Hospital between November 2011 and April 2018. RESULTS: Fungal cultures showed Microsporum species in 6 cases and Trichophyton species in 1 case. The duration of diseases and extent of lesions were greater in the kerion group than in the non-inflammatory tinea capitis group (p<0.05). Sixteen patients were treated with systemic antifungals. In the kerion group, 10 patients were treated with systemic antifungals (6 with itraconazole [median, 26 days; range, 21~58 days] and 4 with terbinafine [median, 24.5 days; range, 13~31 days]). The median intervals between the onset of treatment and scalp clearing (in 10 cases), the onset of new hair growth (in 9 cases), and complete regrowth of hair (in 7 cases) were 27 (range, 13~77), 33 (range, 19~63), and 89 (range, 42~180) days, respectively, in the kerion group. The median dosage of prednisolone used in patients with kerion was 0.26 mg/kg/day (range, 0.15~0.42) with good clinical response. CONCLUSION: The patients with kerion responded well to antifungal treatments. A lower dose of prednisolone was adequate when systemic corticosteroids were required for the treatment of kerion.

Humans , Adrenal Cortex Hormones , Alopecia , Hair , Inflammation , Itraconazole , Microsporum , National Health Programs , Potassium , Prednisolone , Prognosis , Retrospective Studies , Scalp , Tinea Capitis , Tinea , Trichophyton
Chinese Journal of Dermatology ; (12): 193-195, 2019.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-745763


Objective To analysis changes in species distribution of pathogenic dermatophytes from patients with tinea capitis in the Hangzhou Third Hospital between 2015 and 2017.Methods Demographic and mycological data were collected from 321 patients with confirmed tinea capitis in the Hangzhou Third Hospital between 2015 and 2017,and analyzed retrospectively.Results Of the 321 patients with tinea capitis,180 were males,and 141 were females.Their age of onset ranged from 1 month to 70 years.There were 154 (47.9%) preschool children and 13 (4.0%) adults.A total of 321 fungal strains were isolated,including 159 (49.5%) strains of Microsporum canis,110 (34.3%) strains of Trichophyton mentagrophytes,38 (11.8%) strains of Trichophyton violaceum,8 (2.5%) strains of Trichophyton tonsurans,4 (1.2%) strains of Microsporum gypseum,and 2 (0.6%) strains of Trichophyton rubrum.There was no significant difference in the distribution of fungal species (x2 =9.09,P > 0.05) or the proportion of anthropophilic and non-anthropophilic dermatophytes among different age groups (x2 =1.85,P > 0.05).The proportion of non-anthropophilic dermatophytes significantly differed among 2015,2016 and 2017 (x2 =23.82,P < 0.01).From 2015 to 2017,the proportions of Microsporum canis were 32.5%,47.6% and 59.6% respectively,and the proportions of Trichophyton mentagrophytes were 53.0%,35.4% and 23.7% respectively.Conclusions During 2015-2017,the main population with tinea capitis in Hangzhou Third Hospital was preschool children.Moreover,the main pathogenic dermatophyte was Microsporum canis,whose proportion gradually increased year by year,followed by Trichophyton mentagrophytes,whose proportion gradually decreased year by year.